First of all there are strict rules in taking legal actions or claiming wages etc. In cases of termination, there is a time limitation of three weeks. So if you receive a termination, you have to go to court within three weeks,
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Sensationsurteil aus Brüssel! Urlaubstage sind in vielen Fällen nicht verjährt
Cancellation received on vacation. How does one react sensibly?
What should be considered in the cancellation contract?
Kita strike and labor law - warning?
Employment contract termination - how do I do it right?
Extraordinary termination in the event of theft
Does the employer have to pay for an internship?
Welche Arten der Kündigung sind möglich?
Aufhebungsvertrag – Anfechtung möglich?
Banks have to pay back loan fees to their customers (BGH, XI ZR 348/13 and BGH, XI ZR 17/14)